In the world inhabited by dinosaurs, this ancient creatures were easily irascible and often reckless in appearance, and the disputes over dominion of territory or the conquest of a female were frequent. The very violent nature of these creatures always increased confrontations, and one big example are the well-known T-Rex against an adversary of its own kind, a totally worthy experience to watch.
Be now witnessed through the benefits that nothing else 3D technology offers than what it would have been like to witness a fierce and bloody fight between dinosaurs, and fight for your survival. You can feel like you’re in the middle of the action and the reference to Jurassic Park will be a great plus.
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Title: | VR Video 3D VR Jurassic Dinosaurs 3D VIDEO VR |
Duration: | 10:07 min |
Quality: | 144p – 240p – 360p – 480p – 720p HD – 1080p Full HD |
Mode: | 3D |