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Survive to a horror VR movie

Survive to a horror VR movie

Mistake is an hindu horror VR movie that tells the story of a girl that is killed by a man with his car, and even thou he feels guilty for the accident, the girls’ soul does not seem to be in peace and she will haunt the man until he feels truly sorry for what he did, and screaming will not help. It is a very scary movie to watch, and if you use a VR device, this will do the experience even better.

This scary short VR film tries to teach us a lesson, that even if you hurt somebody by accident, you cannot let yourself out of the problem, maybe a ghost will come after you or maybe not, but just in case, be responsible for your actions and do not sub estimate the situation, because you do not know how life can get back to you.


MISTAKE | Horror Full Movie | Rajat | Soumik | Priyanka | VR 360

Duration: 26:59
Quality: 144p – 240p – 360p – 480p – 720p HD – 1080p Full HD – 1440p Ultra HD – 2160p 4K
Mode: 360 & 3D

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