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Ice hotels: A must have experience now in 360

Ice hotels is a tourist experience that differs very easily from the rest, and is that being in temperatures below zero and feeling inside a crystal palace, make your experience a truly unforgettable moment, make use of your VR lenses in this same moment and transport you to a dream passage, where everything has an almost magical aura, this time the Icehotel Sweden will be the place of events.

Be inside of a hotel entirely made and carved in ice, it is only possible in the winter season or now from any time from your VR gear. Having also ice hotels in locations such as Norway, and the city of Montreal.


This Hotel in Sweden Is Carved Entirely From Ice | Unframed by Gear 360 | NowThis

Duration: 1:57
Quality: 144p – 240p – 360p – 480p – 720p HD – 1080p Full HD – 1440p Ultra HD – 2160p 4K
Mode: 360 & 3D

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