Gravity Falls is an animated series created for Disney Channel and Disney XD, Gravity Falls episodes are based on the life of the twin brother and sister called Dipper and Mabel Pines who always spend their summer vacation in Gravity Falls at their Uncle’s solving paranormal events. An important part of Gravity Falls is Uncle’s Stan Shop where he is always trying to sell his unusual objects. On this VR video you will see a 360° project of this shop and how it was created, the shop is based on bizarre objects or paranormal souvenirs.
If you are a fan of these series, you will feel identified with some of the objects on this shop. This Gravity Falls shop 360° video will show you the entire process, from the computerized background to the handmade drawing process, until its final look, and even you will get to set your opinion on how the creator can finish this project.
Title: |
Gravity Falls 360 #1: Shop – Handpainted 360 Panorama + Stages |
Duration: | 1:55 |
Quality: | 144p – 240p – 360p – 480p – 720p HD – 1080p Full HD – 1440p Ultra HD – 2160p 4K |
Mode: | 360 & 3D |