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  4. Escape the Living Dead was never as real as in VR

Escape the Living Dead was never as real as in VR

Zombies are an almost an indispensable element as we think in horror movies, and is that these characters known to be devourers of human flesh, a weak agility, but with an appetite that never stops a moment to grow, have been repeatedly the thread plot of movies, series, or even literature. The next production made entirely in VR, transports us to a place that has been devastated by zombies, but your goal will be to fight until the last second.

This film in VR, which is titled “Escape the Living Dead”, undoubtedly reminds us of classic productions of horror and suspense films, such as Night of the Living Dead, directed by George A. Romero in the now distant year, 1968.


“Escape the Living Dead” 360 Video

Duration: 5:43
Quality: 144p – 240p – 360p – 480p – 720p HD – 1080p Full HD – 1440p Ultra HD – 2160p 4K
Mode: 360 & 3D

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